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Why do cracks occur in crane welds

The author:liaonggong Add time:2022-08-26 16:01:27Click on:194

Although the crane quality, but in the process of use will inevitably appear some faults, such as weld cracks. The reasons for cracks in the equipment are as follows:

Crane in the beam and main beam connection part, beam and leg connection part, weld will produce cracks. Some stressed parts not only bear the load and weight caused by bending force and shear, but also by inertia or wind generated lateral force, so that the synthetic force of these parts becomes larger, the constant change of the direction of the force, will cause fatigue damage and cracks.

In order to reduce the cracks produced during the use of the equipment, a reasonable stiffening device can be designed in the main beam, and a horizontal plate consistent with the main beam can be added at the connection between the web and the main beam, and the flange plate of the shaped steel can be welded to the main beam through work. In addition, the upper and lower beam cover plate and electric hoist gantry crane main beam welding position to increase the longitudinal horizontal plate.

Gantry crane

By setting the horizontal plate, the overall stiffness of the connection between the beam and the main beam is greatly improved, the local stability of this part is increased, and the stress concentration problem is effectively solved. To avoid local fatigue damage and cracks. In addition to increasing the stiffening device, it can also set a reasonable Angle for the excessive reasonable upper beam structure, and make a reasonable selection according to the actual engineering situation. All these are effective methods to reduce the number of crane cracks.