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Why does the hook of a crane swing

The author:liaonggong Add time:2022-08-26 15:56:52Click on:182

The swing of the crane hook is mostly caused by improper operation of the construction personnel, and the consequences of this phenomenon are very serious. Not only can it cause serious damage to the sling when violently shaken, it can also have an adverse effect on the metal structure, causing loosening and breaking. It may also cause the equipment to potentially bury the track. First of all, outdoor cranes suffer from environmental corrosion and damage for a long time; Once the wind is too strong, the crane will be affected by the wind in operation, it will bear more load than its own carrying capacity, and the body again strong. ldquo; There will also be a wobbly moment. We say that the overloaded machine itself may have cracks and cracks, so we must add enough lubricating oil to reduce friction when checking, so as to prolong the service life of the crane.