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The difference between spreader and rigging

The author:liaonggong Add time:2022-08-26 15:21:10Click on:179

    Spreader refers to the rigid installation of lifting and lifting operations, mainly including hook, grab, clamp, sucker and spreader, etc. Rigging refers to a combination of flexible pick-up and installation that is hung on the article when lifting articles. Rigging is used to tie articles, which is generally composed of flexible parts (wire rope, lifting ring chain, man-made fiber belt, etc.) with end rings, hooks, shackles, etc.

    The working load of ordinary spreader refers to the large mass (weight) of items allowed to be accepted when the single sling is suspended vertically under normal operation conditions; The large working load of the rigging: in addition to the vertical suspension, there is an Angle between the sling lifting point and the item, so that the force of the sling is changed. The large mass allowed to be accepted in a specific hanging mode is called its large working load.

    The definition of spreader and rigging is different. Spreader is the installation equipment of the industry. The common ones are hook, ring, oil drum lifting pliers, C-type hook and so on. Rigging refers to the force tool tied between the lifting machine and the lifting object in order to complete the movement of the object, and the force member of the structure in order to stabilize the space. From these definitions, spreader is included in the rigging industry. Here we are going to separate the difference between these two categories and the sling, which refers to the installation of the hoisting of goods by tying and hooking them onto the item to pick up the item. In essence, there is a difference between the rigging and the sling, and the force surface and the force length of the sling and the sling are not the same at the time of operation. The large load of the sling refers to the large mass allowed to be accepted by a single sling when it is hung vertically. However, the sling is generally used with multiple strands and more coordination, while the sling is comparatively single. In many cases, there is an Angle between the sling and the rigging. Therefore, the force accepted by the sling and the sling will often change. Therefore, when in use, it is necessary to calculate the force accepted by each force point and whether it can exceed the load.